Jumat, 04 Maret 2016

Laporan Karya Ilmiah

Laporan Karya Ilmiah

Lingkungan Bisnis

Disusun Oleh:
Yogy Cahya Harisa

STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta

Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016


First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty God - The Allah SWT who has given His bless to me for finishing this report which is a research paper and an archive entitled "What's Diecast?". It is a great opportunity to have completed the classes of Business Environment (Lingkungan Bisnis) before, which leads to this research paper and also this blog. 

In the accomplishment of this assignment I am submitting this project report or this paper (blog) on "What's Diecast?". Subject to the limitation of time, efforts and resources, every possible attempt has been made to study the problem deeply. The whole paper is measured through every possible results of research of this business, the data further analyzed and interpreted through articles of this blog. 

Yogyakarta, February 04th 2016
Yogy Cahya Harisa.


The reason I make this paper is, how to start a business with a hobby, such as diecast. As we know, is a miniature diecast cars, motorcycles, etc. which are commonly referred to as a toy. But different diecast toys in general, because it is a miniature diecast very detailed and almost like the original object. Diecast and why it is worth? because, the sales target is the collectors who are ready to pay whatever to get a rare diecast. That is why diecast could be a business opportunity rather large.


In general, we know the term diecast as ordinary toys that cost can not be proud of, but did not, because diecast have different prices, starting from Rp.25.000,00 until Rp.10.000.000,00. Cheap or expensive depending on the size scale and the diecast scarcity. Not only is rare that must be considered, detail of a form is also worth noting, because it forms a very detailed to resemble the original can increase the selling price of the diecast. Among scarcity and good detail, diecast could be worth considering for their famous car brand they used to be made diecast models. Examples are named Lamborghini brand, if the brand they wear on their diecast products, it can be ascertained that diecast worth very expensive. In addition we collect diecast or sell it, we have to take care of him as often as possible, because the same diecast cars like the original, if we do not take care of diecast properly, it will decrease the quality diecast and can lower the price of the product. So if you want to do business with diecast, or would like to collect diecast, please turn to the people who have experienced, or you can visit this blog, because in this blog discusses a lot about diecast.

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